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Body & Face Scuplting: Weight Loss Alternative To Exercise & Diet

You may have looked for ways to eliminate some body fat without surgery. I know there is no easy way to achieve what you want, but this treatment we are going to talk about will transform that fat into energy.

I am happy I could be able to help you with this treatment since we are also certified specialists in Florida to perform SculptICE Body Sculpting Therapy using natural and organic products. Before that, let’s first introduce you to the method.

What is ice therapy and how does it aid weight loss?

There are lots of weight-loss diets on the market. You can tell they’re overrated while some of them really work and some are just fads that may bring harm to the body. The interesting part is about ice for weight loss.

You can help your body get rid of the flab without any strict diets, vigorous exercise, and fast fat loss medications with ice therapy. Actually, the body will lose weight when it is exposed to heat, just like melting it away. Now, why is the logic to using ice therapy? According to a study, cold exposure minimizes heat transfer, which is called heat dissipation, increases heat generation that reduces fats. This is what they call, “cryotherapy“. I have another blog talking about that, you can check it here.

ice therapy

Applying ice to certain body parts helps you to burn fat. It works on the areas of your body that are sagging and applying ice will make it slim and firm. Ice therapy lifts sagging skin through tissue tightening the issues. It also detoxifies the body, improves cellulite, and most importantly helps you lose weight with just a few sessions.

Of course, exercise and diet will give you wonders and ice therapy will give you toned unwanted pounds.

What is Thermogenesis?

Ice therapy or cold therapy comes in many forms, you can even put an ice pack on your skin and face. In short, thermogenesis is a form of cold therapy that provides your body with a metabolic boost.

A study was conducted to support that body fat loss was achieved through thermogenesis. As indicated, thermogenesis is a metabolic process that burns calories in order to generate heat. Here are the types of thermogenesis that occurs in our body:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

It’s our essential function of survival. Our body will burn calories through blood circulation, breathing, etc. It consists of the energy to perform vital body processes while you’re at rest. BMR is the biggest contributor to the energy spent on your body during the day.

Diet-Induced Thermogenesis

This is the number of calories you burn eating, digesting, absorbing, and transporting the nutrients from the food you ate. Did you know that your body burns different amounts of calories depending on what type of food you’re eating. Here’s some examples:

  • Protein – A study imposed that the most metabolically demanding macronutrient for your body to digest and absorb.

Thermic Effect: 20-35%, which means, that if you eat a piece of protein that contains 100 calories, depending on what type of protein it is, your body will burn 20-35 calories simply trying to break down that food.

  • Carbohydrate – A study concluded that after protein, carbohydrate is the next most metabolically demanding macronutrient to digest and absorb.

Thermic Effect: 5-10%

  • Fat – The least calorie-intensive macronutrient to digest and absorb is fat.

Thermic Effect: about 5%

Here’s an illustration for you. I know you may have heard about a whey protein shake. This is mostly protein, right? but let’s be realistic it still has trace amounts of carbs and fats. Say, your scoop of whey protein contains 30 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. It would look something like this:

whey protein calories

Protein = 30 grams * 4 calories/gram = 120 calories
Carbohydrate = 5 grams * 4 calories/gram = 20 calories
Fat = 3 grams * 9 calories/gram = 27 calories

Total of 167 calories from our scoop of protein. How many calories am I actually getting?

Protein = 25% * 120 calories = 30 calories burned
Carbohydrate = 10% * 20 calories = 2 calories burned
Fat = 5% * 27 calories = 1.35 calories burned

Thermic effect of food = 30 + 2 + 1.35 = 33.35 calories burned. Net calorie yield from a whey protein shakes = 167 – 33.35 = 133.7 calories. Due to the thermic effect of food, that 167 calorie protein shake may only deliver 133.7 calories of actual energy.

Food selections can give an important impact on your energy. Diets with high protein will inherently require more energy to digest that diets with lower proteins. Now you know why coaches and trainers opt for high protein diets, especially on weight loss. High protein diets lead to a greater calorie burn, protein also is more satisfying than either carbohydrates or fats.

Yes, thermogenesis is not just a direct hit — how your body produces heat. It comes with types too! Science broken it to this classifications. Lastly,

Energy Cost of Physical Activity

Well, it comes in 2 forms. Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.

You may have guessed Exercise Activity Thermogenesis already. It’s the calories your body spends when you exercise: weight lifting, steady-state cardio (walking or jogging), high-intensity interval training, CrossFit, etc — just any type of exercise that is more than just walking.

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis includes standing, walking from room to room, and even just tapping your finger or foot.

This tells us that someone who works a physically manual labor job that requires more effort will burn far more calories during the day than an office worker who spends 8 hours each day sitting at a desk.

According to a study, combining both exercise activity thermogenesis and non-exercise activity thermogenesis gives us our total energy cost of physical activity each day. This number can vary between 15-30% of your total daily energy spent.

The easier way to burn fats? Read on.

Body Sculpting Herbal ICE

Body Sculpting Herbal ICE

SculptICE eliminates fat without surgery. It is a non-invasive massage that uses ice made of herbs, minerals, and vitamins to break down fat deposits and increase circulation to eliminate toxins from your body. The ingredients will help boost the production of collagen and elastin, improving your skin’s texture elasticity, and tone, while sculpting your body through thermogenesis.

This treatment helps in molding, reducing, and toning the skin by promoting the natural production of collagen and elastin in the body, as it improves the elasticity and tonicity of the skin. Of all its benefits this treatment helps individuals presenting early stages of fat accumulation, all the way to extreme cases of obesity or for those that simply want to reaffirm the skin in specific areas of the body. It has never-ending benefits:

  • Detoxifies body
  • Helps restore skin elasticity
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Removes resistant fat
  • Activates the production of new collagen
  • Activates Lymphatic System
  • 100% natural treatment
  • Results are permanent and progressive
  • No surgery
  • Immediate results

SculptICE Treatment Steps

Ice Therapy

Ice Therapy

Frozen SculptICE product is applied to the desired area in repetitive and effective motions allowing sculpting and slimming of the body. It’s also effective in cellulite reduction and toning of the skin. Treatment will just last 30 to 45 minutes until the product is completely melted.

Unlike other products which offer temporary effects or disappointing results, sculptICE creates impressive and satisfactory results which are long-lasting and permanent.

Madero Therapy

Madero Therapy

When you include this treatment, it will help you shape your body. This is a holistic massage technique that uses designed wooden tools to improve body size and proportions. It allows highly targeted pressure to be applied to your problem areas. Problem areas can be things, love handles, and the abdomen.

Pressure intensifies the breakdown of fat deposits and fibrous cellulite so that it can be eliminated naturally with other toxins. 100% natural.

  • Here are the benefits of Madero Therapy:
    Stimulates microcirculation and blood flow
  • Natural and non-invasive cellulite elimination and fat reduction
  • Loss of inches on legs/stomach/hips/arms
  • Lifts and firms the buttocks
  • Firms tighten and tone the skin
  • Speeds up metabolism to burn fat
  • Reduces Stress
  • Relaxes the mind and body, which helps relieve mental and physical tension
  • Breaks down fat deposits that have been flushed away along with other toxins
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Activates lymphatic system that helps removes excess water/eliminates water retention
  • Boosts confidence

Prices and Booking

Your treatment will be tailored the way you wanted it. I may have an online consultation but it is better to talk in person. That’s why I will just let you know the pricing so you could prepare.

If you are interested in the SculptICE treatments, please contact me in the first instance at [email protected] or call us at +01 727 326 5081.

SculptICE Treatments Price



SculptICE Treatments include a therapeutic massage with SculptICE that has been proven to give lasting results, by activating the body’s natural process of fat elimination through thermogenesis. Thermogenesis essentially transforms fat into energy.

This treatment focuses on the elimination of fat tissue, and with the help of Madero Therapy, a therapy that uses wooden tools to sculpt your body, you will have satisfactory and long-lasting permanent results. Body Sculpting therapy produces better results when combined with an active lifestyle and balanced nutrition.

Source: Ravussin, Y., Xiao, C., Gavrilova, O., & Reitman, M. L. (2014). Effect of intermittent cold exposure on brown fat activation, obesity, and energy homeostasis in mice. PloS one, 9(1), e85876.; Belza, A., Frandsen, E., & Kondrup, J. (2007). Body fat loss achieved by stimulation of thermogenesis by a combination of bioactive food ingredients: a placebo-controlled, double-blind 8-week intervention in obese subjects. International journal of obesity (2005), 31(1), 121–130. Halton, T., Hu, F. 2004. The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23(5): 373-85, Nair, K., Halliday, D., Garrow, J. 1982. Thermic response to isoenergetic protein, carbohydrate or fat meals in lean and obese subjects. Clinical Science 65: 307-312; Berardi, J., Andrews, R. 2013. The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition 2nd ed. Precision Nutrition, Inc. pp 101-102