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Organic Facial Compress

I ask my self if I write a blog, what should I write about, specially taking in account that english is not my first language, and then I think to my self just do it and you’ll find out.

Well here I am
I fell in love with skincare when I was a teen, now as a pro it is my passion and obsession, always learning new trends and treatments.

I don’t want to bore you so here is one skincare ritual I been doing for years, natural organic facial compress has so many health benefits.
Stimulates lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, muscle and nervous system and it’s relaxing and feel amazing.
Very easy to do at home.

What do you need?

Facial Herbal Compress
Medium size bowl
Hot water
Hand towel
MB compress mix
Tea Kettle or french press

First you need to simmer 2 cups of water, add 1 tablespoon MB compress mix into a french press then pour water over mix and let it sit for 5 to 15 minutes.

Place towel inside a bowl and pour MB compress mix tea over towel, let it cool down for a bit, when you are able to hold the towel find a comfortable place to laydown, place towel over your face carefully (not to hot), press down gentle this ritual can be repeated up to 3 times, if you have skin congestion or black heads this ritual can help you diminish them, you can do this everyday, enjoy.

Visit my store for more beauty products.

Sendind Love Maribel Idania