Skincare Products To Use After A Peel

Turning your damaged skin into fantastic, radiant skin is possible with chemical peels. Chemical peels help reduce hyperpigmentation and improves skin tone. According to Mary Chilmaza, A chemical solution of an acid is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and appears less wrinkled and brighter in appearance than the older skin.

Say, you invested yourself in a chemical peel, know that it is equally important to have post-peel aftercare to see the best results possible. The new skin will be more sun-sensitive for a period of time and requires a higher level of care and protection to avoid any additional damage to occur.


You’d like to take note of these tips:
1. Do not peel it off — don’t pick it!
When the dead skin starts to shed, avoid touching, picking or scratching it with your fingers. The main goal is to slough it off and not peel it like, I know it is satisfying, but please don’t. Let the dead skin shed off naturally. Know that using fingers to remove the dead skin can lead to possible scarring.


2. Ignore breakouts
If breakouts do occur, don’t treat them yourself! Have your aesthetician treat them for you or just leave them alone. Touching it with your fingers or your hands will only irritate the new skin and may lead to breakout! Yikes!


3. Moisturize
But don’t put too many or too frequently that you’ll be uncomfortable. After receiving a chemical peel, your skin will be sensitive. Your skin will be more sensitive and fragile after a peel and must be handled with care for proper healing. That’s why we highly recommend it that you schedule and have your peels during fall and winter season when the sun is not that shining.

Also, there are certain products you’d want to avoid — products that have irritating ingredients. To keep it simple:

Use NeoGenesis Cleanser, followed by Recovery twice daily. When appropriate, an Intensive Moisturizer or Barrier Renewal Cream may be used for soothing relief.

For instant relief, a light spray of Moisturizing Mist may be used throughout the day, as needed.

After approximately 10 days, if the skin has returned to a normal state, Skin Serum or Booster may be applied in the morning after cleansing, followed by a moisturizer and a chemical-free sunscreen. Continue the use of Recovery after cleansing in the evening, followed by a moisturizer. If additional hydration is needed in the evening, Skin Serum or Booster may be added to your skin routine, after Recovery, and before the moisturizer.

When your skin is completely healed, Recovery may be used daily or 3 to 4 times per week as a boost prior to any other product.

Recommended Products for Chemical Peels:

You’ll be able to go back to your regular skincare routine once the peeling process is complete and the skin no longer feels sensitive – generally within a week of receiving your chemical peel.


4. Protect Your Skin With SPF
You’ve just gone through the process of getting rid of damaged skin with a chemical peel – so it’s important to avoid damaging the new, vulnerable skin coming through by protecting it with a layer of sunscreen anytime exposure to the sun is possible.

Yes, even if it’s cloudy, or the sun is not coming out, or it’s fall or winter, no, there’s no exception. Wear it. Here’s your checklist:

  • Broad Spectrum
  • Physical Sunscreen
  • SPF of 30 or higher


5. Don’t Worry
Yes! Don’t worry about how your skin looks for a few days. The end result is more than worth the investment! Do not remove any of the dry, dead skin with any sort of rubbing, peeling, or pulling during the peeling process.

If you have any concerns at all, please don’t hesitate to call us at 727.326.5081. Now is a good time to come in for a consult and get a customized skin care regimen to mainly your skin after treatments. If you want to see if you’re a perfect candidate for a chemical peel, message me directly.

With love,

Source: Marybella Beauty Skin Spa, Products for Chemical Peels; Skin Spirit, Tips on After Peel Care; Collier, E. (2021) Chemical Peel Aftercare: 10 Dos and Don’ts; Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center (2021), Chemical Peel Post-Care Treatment Instructions