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Best Treatment For Clogged Pores

Clogged pores may seem a simple problem to some individuals, but hopefully, you are not one of them. Let us learn why and how to treat and avoid it if possible.

Clogged pores are the product of different factors such as excess oil, increase in sebum production (the natural oil that coats the skin to seal in moisture), bacterial buildup, dead skin cells, and other substances. If you are experiencing this please don’t ignore and treat it as soon as possible because a simply clogged pore may cause you acne, wherein it is recorded to be one of the most common skin conditions in the United States where it affects 50 million people each year according to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

If you experience acne you could also have the following blemishes:

  • Pimples
  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Cysts (severe acne)

Now you know the reasons, and the possible effect of clogged pores, your next question may be “What’s the treatment?” although you can unclog your own pores at home by following some steps, it is best if you’ll going to leave it under the care of your aesthetician to monitor it closely and avoid possible effects that can worsen the situation.

You don’t need to worry about where to consult because Marybella beauty spa can give you the best service you are looking for for a long time. We are offering numerous treatments on clogged pores but I can recommend you best is the OMEGA HYDRA PEEL FACIAL. It is non-invasive and can work on every type of skin even sensitive skin types.

Hydrafacial is a treatment that exfoliates, polish, detoxify, and replenish your skin with soothing, refreshing, non-irritating, and immediately effective.

Schedule a in person consultation 

Sending Love,

Sources: Amy L. (2021); Jenna F. (2020) American Academy of Dermatology (AAD);