How should I prepare my skin for the holidays

How should I prepare my skin for the holidays?

The holidays can be stressful, especially when it comes to your skin. It’s time to start preparing your skin before the festivities of Thanksgiving and Christmas begin! By taking things one step at a time, you’ll be able to better enjoy the holiday season.

This is an ever-evolving subject, with new products entering the market every year by big names and small. The one thing all the experts agree on though is that your skin is a reflection of what you put into it. So it’s important to take care of it and pamper yourself during this time of year

Be mindful about CLEANSING!

Cleanse your face during the holidays! It turns out your mom was right about regularly cleansing your face: because it’s critical to maintaining healthy skin.

A common benefit of doing this during the holidays‘ step is removing the dirt, oil, and unwanted debris that have been with your face throughout the day! It has bacteria, pollutants, dirt, old (dead) skin cells, and viruses!

Without washing, your skin would be covered with a thick layer of dirt which makes it difficult for other products to penetrate the skin properly.

Investing in effective cleansers or a product that does deep-pore cleansing, helps to manage some acne-associated symptoms. [1] Plus, to mention the makeup. Remember to remove your makeup! If you’re the kind of person who wears a lot of makeup, you’ll want to invest in a cleanser that not only nourishes and refreshes your skin but also targets removal.

Also, when you sweat a lot, opt for a cleanser that targets clogged pores. However, I know some that are easily allergic to the products they use, so it is best to book an appointment for a regular facial with free skin analysis or look for natural cleansers free of any synthetic ingredients.

Now, please don’t skip washing your face. Why? According to Lela Lankerani, MD, your pores would become clogged resulting in the development of serious acne. Your skin could also experience a combination of severe redness, dryness, and irritation from insufficient hydration. Finally, your skin would generally appear dirty, oily, greasy, and significantly aged.

When choosing the right cleansers you must:

1. Know your skin type. People with dry skin must avoid cleansers with high alcohol content. People with oily skin need a cleanser that has a lower pH level. For those who have sensitive skin, invest in a basic cleanser free from heavy fragrances and additives.

2. Cream-based cleansers are the best option for people with dry skin while gel or foamy-based cleansers are an option for oily skin types. [2]

3. Always take your time comparing skincare products and looking at reviews. Marybella Skin Spa offers a wide variety of skin cleansers in our clinics as well as our online store

Invest in EXFOLIATION! (before holidays)

Before the holidays (or the event), exfoliate. Associated with exfoliation is peeling. While in preparation for the holidays, the winter season is the best time to book a chemical peel since there is no sun! You might want to take advantage of the moment, know why here

We need to be more careful about the products that we use. Exfoliating cleansers with small grains that mechanically slough off dead cells and unclog pores or those with salicylic acid are worthwhile choices. Benzoyl peroxide at a low strength (2.5%) is generally effective for long-term treatment and prevention of breakouts. Retinoids, either prescription or OTC, offer benefits for acne and aging. [3]

I know, you may have dead cells and they tend to show before and during the holidays! If you want to get rid of them, exfoliation is a perfect thing to do. I understand, we don’t want heavy exfoliation, so start now! If you’re in a rush, try iS Clinical Cream Cleanser or message me so I could assess your skin better.

Hydrate & Moisturize

While flying can be a perfect way to get away from the cold and dry weather, it can also create some dryness that can cause more issues for the skin. According to Word Health Organization, the air in airplanes is dry and full of germs and the sun is stronger at high altitudes.

Your skin can be exposed to UV rays and the risk of sun damage to your skin can be high, with UVA light penetrating through the windows. The humidity level in planes is significantly lower than what our skin is most comfortable with. The humidity level in an airplane cabin is less than 20%. To put that in context, your home is usually well above 30%.

This will tend to lower the humidity levels and can leave your skin feeling dry or even oily, why? during this time, the skin can also produce more oil to compensate for the dryness.

We’re all about keeping your skin looking its best this holiday season. To get started, try to find a humidifier or use a face mist in the air to keep your skin hydrated. If your skin feels dry on the plane, you can reapply a hyaluronic serum or apply a hydrating face mask.

Also, try to fly with no makeup, it can make your skin breathe. As soon as you arrive, pay attention to what your skin needs — replenish creams and serums (don’t overdo it!). If your skin still feels puffy, use a cold compress and massage your face gently.

During the holidays, apply lip balm, and don’t ever start using new products! It’s not the time to try samples and you don’t want unwanted skin reactions while on holiday. After the holidays, treat yourself to a nice facial.

Don’t forget this step: PROTECT!

Protection from the sun and environmental damage are important for all of us. [4] While sunscreens are often irritants, the best options for young, oily, acne-prone skin tend to have a water or light liquid base.

Regardless of the season, you should never skip your sunscreen. Spending long hours in the sun without proper protection can damage your skin and gives your visible signs of aging.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, no matter the SPF, reapplication every two hours is key. If you’re inside most of the day with just short intervals in the sun, you can use a sunscreen or cosmetic product with an SPF of 15 or higher. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, especially when and where the sun is strongest, you need an SPF 30 or higher, water-resistant sunscreen. More about SPF.

After the procedure, your skin will be pink or red for up to 24 hours before returning back to normal coloration over several days or weeks depending upon how much pigment was removed from your skin during treatment. [3] 

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Preparation is key to having the best holiday season skin.

Invest in sleep at 8 hours in minimum. Try to relax and not overdo your food with sugar and alcohol. A lot of skin problems such as acne, rosacea, and eczema make sugar the culprit in making situations worse! Moreover, sugar also contributes to increased inflammation which in turn breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin. Just, be careful.


1. Draelos Z. D. (2006). The effect of a daily facial cleanser for normal to oily skin on the skin barrier of subjects with acne. Cutis, 78(1 Suppl), 34–40.

2. Mukhopadhyay P. (2011). Cleansers and their role in various dermatological disorders. Indian journal of dermatology, 56(1), 2–6. 

3.Rodan, K., Fields, K., Majewski, G., & Falla, T. (2016). Skincare Bootcamp: The Evolving Role of Skincare. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 4(12 Suppl Anatomy and Safety in Cosmetic Medicine: Cosmetic Bootcamp), e1152. 

4. Goodman G. (2009). Cleansing and moisturizing in acne patients. American journal of clinical dermatology, 10 Suppl 1, 1–6.

5. Rosa, D. F., Sarandy, M. M., Novaes, R. D., Freitas, M. B., do Carmo Gouveia Pelúzio, M., & Gonçalves, R. V. (2018). High-Fat Diet and Alcohol Intake Promotes Inflammation and Impairs Skin Wound Healing in Wistar Rats. Mediators of inflammation, 2018, 4658583.